
But first, Blood Sugar

The first and most important thing you can do for your health is balance your blood sugar.

Okay let’s start with the bad stuff. Blood sugar is the most inflammatory thing for your body. It causes oxidative damage to everything it touches, and seeing as its in your bloody, it touches everything. Your muscles, your organs, your brain. Blood sugar leads to insulin resistance, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, mental health disorders and even Alzheimer’s and dementia. 

On a special note for us women, blood sugar is the most common cause for hormone imbalances. 

Fundamentally, our physiology is designed to keep our blood sugar within a nice tight range, a nice specific range in order to keep enough glucose being sent to our lovely large human brains for them to function properly. If your glucose is all over the show, shifting rapidly up and down throughout the day, your brain will struggle. Blood sugar directly impacts the health of your brain. 

When you blood sugar drops below is safe range, your stress response is initiated, your adrenal glands are directed to release stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, as they stimulate the breakdown of stored glycogen in your muscle or liver into glucose to raise your blood sugar. 
So perhaps, you’re trying to keep you blood sugar low by fasting or under-eating, well now you’ve just told you body to make its own because its not coming from an outside source. 
This again (yay) is especially true for women. We have a second area in our brain, where men only have one (kispeptin nuerons) that is primed to recognise threats and affects your appetite, luteinizing hormone, thyroid and oestrogen.

Highly refined or processed carbohydrates, large amounts of sugar can put you into a low sugar state in a bounce back effect. If blood sugar spikes too rapidly, too much insulin is released (insulin is the hormone that bring glucose from the blood into the cells to be used as fuel or stored as fat), too much glucose is taken our of the bloodstream and we and up with a crash or low blood sugar. 

Imbalanced blood sugar literally tells you body you are unsafe, it puts your nervous system into sympathetic drive, your move into survival mode. 
How then are you to access healing, rest and digest mode, your creativity production and flow states, states of connection and where you can begin to listen to your body, to feel grounded and safe to then begin to look beyond just simply surviving the next moment. This is where your life truly begins. 
Imagine the brain capacity, the time and energy, you have when you are not in constant vigilance. That is the power balancing your blood sugar. 

Things you can do:
-Eat steady meals with an emphasis of protein, fibre and health fats.
-Be mindful of caffeine and sugar consumption.
-Exercise, both light movement throughout the day and more focused training. If you really struggle here just focus of keeping moving throughout the day. 
-Sleep, the most miraculous healing tool. 
-Reduce stress, deep breathing, yoga, walking, getting outside.
-Laughing, smiling, telling stories, and connecting with family and friends. 

Love ora x