Lean In

I hope you find exactly what you are looking for <3

Welcome to my world of woo!

Hi I’m Isobel. Welcome to my little space of the internet where I explore the interconnections of health, our beautiful planet, western science eastern wisdom and traditions, mindfulness, spirituality, shadow work and various therapies, and all things 5D.

Here you will find my various musings on the above subjects, as well as meditations and affirmations for your energy body and healing, embodied and somatic movement, affirmations and journal prompts, and so much more.

Why Lean In?

My yoga philosophy teacher encouraged me to turn away from distractions to be completely present with whatever came up and to truly meet myself. This was an extremely daunting task. I was scared. I told myself to take a breath and just to be open, to be receptive, and to lean into all the weird and wonderful and truly terrifying experiences. This has become my mantra. Lean into every opportunity, because only magic follows, and personal growth, however that looks for you, is our real purpose here on this earth.

Information and Resources

Explore all the weird and wonderful ways to get started on your journey to your best life.

My Musings

Follow along as I explore our world on my own health journey, study health, yoga and reiki, do the work and all the lessons along the way.

The Practices

Breathwork, meditations, somatic and embodied movement, affirmations, manifestation, yoga and much more.

Shadow and Light Work

This is where the work really begins. Whether you believe in a souls journey or ones life’s purpose. Living your best life begins when you start to clear out the old, heal your past, and start anew.

It’s more than just woo.

It’s part of being human. We have inherent basic needs of connection, feeling as if we belong, and trusting in the end we will be okay. It’s okay to feel this way. In fact it’s beautiful.

The practices invite nervous system regulation and they can help bring you into a positive affirmative emotional (PAE) State, which is health speak for that feeling of laughing into the wind at the top of a mountain.

Witnessing and working the stuck emotions and trauma out of your body opens up your life to more. So much more.

Reflection invites personal growth. Actively searching for good and practicing gratitude trains your reticular activating system (RAS) to notice more good. Re-wire your beliefs with neuroplasticity and re-wire your reactions with bioplasticity.

Change your thoughts, change your beliefs, change your behaviour, change your life. It’s science baby.

how it can help you heal

When we get quiet, present, when we create space in our lives and within ourselves, when our nervous systems are regulated and not hypervigilant for danger, we are able to connect to ourselves and to our body. And in this place of quiet two magical things are able to happen, two things which will fundamentally change your healing journey.

Your body’s innate intelligence & wisdom

Our bodies have a divinely innate intelligence and wisdom. Your body knows exactly what it needs, it knows exactly how to heal itself, it knows when we are pushing our limiting. The power lies in being quiet enough to begin to hear these signals, these whispers; in learning how to listen to and to speak the language of your body. This in turn opens up a deep avenue to accessing your intuition, your deeper knowing.

Your body’s capacity to heal

Our bodies have the capacity to heal themselves. Our cells are constantly regenerating, cleaning out the old, healing, sending blood full of nutrients and oxygen to every part of our body that needs attention without any external driver or input. However, we must create the space in our lives for our bodies to do this work.

A word to my sensitive souls

A love note to all of those who feel deeply.

I used to see my sensitivity as a curse, but now I see it as a blessing.
You don’t just watch sunsets you feel them. You’re deeply connected to the magic of this world, you get to truly experience it.
This is your superpower. You’re a natural alchemist.
You turn pain into magic.
You are important and you will change the world.

 Rick Rubin: “one of the reasons so many great artists die of overdoses early in their lives is because they use drugs to numb a very painful existence. The reason it is painful is the reason they became an artist in the first place. Their incredible Sensitivity. If you see tremendous beauty or tremendous pain where other people see little or nothing at all, you’re confronted with big feelings all the time.”