You don’t need another article telling you how toxic our world is, google toxins and you will get bombarded with fear tactic war mongering content around microplastics, mould, BPAs, glyphosate, high processed foods, pollution and generally how toxic our environment is. Personally I find this to be more harm than good.
The bottom line is our bodies have not adapted to keep up with the rapid increase of toxins in our environment. Yes our livers are incredible organs however they need our help to support the natural detox pathways of our bodies:
Hydration. Keep your body hydrated and flush the toxins out this way
Sweat. Sauna and exercise
Move. Deep belly breathing using the diaphragm moves all your organs around, side stretching and twisting does the same, bounce hop jump walk, get your blood pumping and moving. It does not need to be
Up the fibre. This is especially important for women as our hormones need taken out of the body through binding with fibre.
This is where I would start…these are highly accessible for the majority of the population.
Naturopathic help can be in the form of binders, which are compounds that pull out toxins, although this is an area to tread with great care. Charcoal needs to be consumed 2 hours outside of food otherwise it will also bind to nutrients your body needs. Plant compounds such as cholera, cilantro like those found in the Medical Medium’s smoothie can make you feel worse by pulling these toxins out of the stores in your body and into circulation
Or herbs and natural tools to also support the liver including bitters, dandelion root, milk thistle, and caster oil packs.
Finally, the obvious point of your body does not need to detox out bad things if you don’t put them into your body in the first place. This depends on your lifestyle and how much this matters to you as a individual and the current state of your body’s health, but things like avoiding places with mould or food with potential mould and parasites, avoid plastics and receipts and high processed foods (seed oils, sugars, refined fats and carbohydrates, colours additives, etc).
Love ora x